06:18:59 PM Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSData.dAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> DataCommon.OpenDataTable - select isnull(t.tdlinkaccount, 0) as flexiacno, isnull((select sum((isnull(d.DepositAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartWithdrawal, 0) + isnull(d.InterestAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartwithdrawalDue, 0) - isnull(d.InterestPaid, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalPaid, 0) - isnull(d.CummulativeTax, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalTax, 0) + isnull(d.ExcessInterest, 0))) from depositmaster d where d.acno = t.TDLinkAccount and IsNull(d.status,0) <> 9 group by d.acno), 0) as flexibalance from accountmaster a, tdlink t Where a.Acno = t.Acno and a.acno = 1002005006271 and a.branchcode = 1002 and t.branchcode = 1002 and t.acno = 1002005006271 order by t.acno --> DataCommon.cnOpen --> .Net SqlClient Data Provider --> --> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSData.dAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails(Int64 AcNo); at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails(Double AccountNo) 06:18:59 PM Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.FillProperties --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSData.dAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> DataCommon.OpenDataTable - select isnull(t.tdlinkaccount, 0) as flexiacno, isnull((select sum((isnull(d.DepositAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartWithdrawal, 0) + isnull(d.InterestAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartwithdrawalDue, 0) - isnull(d.InterestPaid, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalPaid, 0) - isnull(d.CummulativeTax, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalTax, 0) + isnull(d.ExcessInterest, 0))) from depositmaster d where d.acno = t.TDLinkAccount and IsNull(d.status,0) <> 9 group by d.acno), 0) as flexibalance from accountmaster a, tdlink t Where a.Acno = t.Acno and a.acno = 1002005006271 and a.branchcode = 1002 and t.branchcode = 1002 and t.acno = 1002005006271 order by t.acno --> DataCommon.cnOpen --> .Net SqlClient Data Provider --> --> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails(Double AccountNo); at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.FillProperties() 06:18:59 PM Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetRecord --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.FillProperties --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSData.dAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> DataCommon.OpenDataTable - select isnull(t.tdlinkaccount, 0) as flexiacno, isnull((select sum((isnull(d.DepositAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartWithdrawal, 0) + isnull(d.InterestAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartwithdrawalDue, 0) - isnull(d.InterestPaid, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalPaid, 0) - isnull(d.CummulativeTax, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalTax, 0) + isnull(d.ExcessInterest, 0))) from depositmaster d where d.acno = t.TDLinkAccount and IsNull(d.status,0) <> 9 group by d.acno), 0) as flexibalance from accountmaster a, tdlink t Where a.Acno = t.Acno and a.acno = 1002005006271 and a.branchcode = 1002 and t.branchcode = 1002 and t.acno = 1002005006271 order by t.acno --> DataCommon.cnOpen --> .Net SqlClient Data Provider --> --> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.FillProperties(); at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetRecord(Double& AccountNumber, Boolean blnGetShadowBalance) 06:18:59 PM Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccounts.GetRecord --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetRecord --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.FillProperties --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSData.dAccountMaster.GetFlexiDetails --> DataCommon.OpenDataTable - select isnull(t.tdlinkaccount, 0) as flexiacno, isnull((select sum((isnull(d.DepositAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartWithdrawal, 0) + isnull(d.InterestAmount, 0) - isnull(d.PartwithdrawalDue, 0) - isnull(d.InterestPaid, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalPaid, 0) - isnull(d.CummulativeTax, 0) + isnull(d.PartwithdrawalTax, 0) + isnull(d.ExcessInterest, 0))) from depositmaster d where d.acno = t.TDLinkAccount and IsNull(d.status,0) <> 9 group by d.acno), 0) as flexibalance from accountmaster a, tdlink t Where a.Acno = t.Acno and a.acno = 1002005006271 and a.branchcode = 1002 and t.branchcode = 1002 and t.acno = 1002005006271 order by t.acno --> DataCommon.cnOpen --> .Net SqlClient Data Provider --> --> A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.) at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccountMaster.GetRecord(Double& AccountNumber, Boolean blnGetShadowBalance); at Virmati.Banking.CBS.CBSProc.bAccounts.GetRecord(Double AcnoID, Object& SerialNumber, Int16 pIntRateForPremature, Single pPreMatRate, Boolean blnGetShadowBalance, Boolean blnGetCustomerdetails)